Wednesday, June 5, 2013


It seems that I've had facial acne my whole life. Of course it is the result of poor hygiene. It never got really bad but it was always there. For a time I took it seriously and tried various products with little or no results. I came to the conclusion that I would always have it.

Well, I still have facial acne but it much better. I'm using a peach scrub on my face. I tried this before but, I don't know, it seemed messy and I couldn't get rid of the grit from the peach seeds. Later in the day I would find some grit that I hadn't been able to wash off. What changed was the way I'm applying the product. I apply it in the shower and have the full force of the shower to rinse of the grit. Since, I don't have the grit problem, I'm using it more often and since I'm using it more often the acne is less of a problem.

It seems that I've had a sin problem my whole life. Of course it is the result of poor choices. It never got really bad but it was always there. For a time I took it seriously and tried various strategies with little or nor results. I came to the conclusion that I would always have it.

Well, I still sin but it is much better. I'm using the bible to scrub my life. I tried this before but, I don't know, it seemed hard to keep it up, the grit in my life was still there. Later in the day, I would see where I had sinned again and that I hadn't conquered it. What has changed is that now I'm not just reading the bible but applying it in my life. Since I'm applying it more often the sin problem is less of a problem.

While reading the bible is a good thing, the challenge for us is to apply the Word of God in our lives.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Watch and Pray

Watch what is going on around you. Watch what situations you are about to get into.

You are not stupid. You are smart enough to know how and where the Devil tempts you.

Just as the alcoholic needs to stay out of bars and just as the over eater needs to stay away from the buffet line, you know what you need to avoid. Don't stay up late watching late night TV. Don't be alone with a woman other than your wife. Avoid the places, situations and times that lead to sin. Head for the hills! Take the high road! Get out of Dodge!

Pray to the Lord who knows you and is not surprise by anything you do that He will help you to watch and give you the strength to run away from temptation. Pray that he will protect your back as you turn and flee for we are weak but He is strong.

And if you do fall into sin, pray for forgiveness. But not only pray for forgiveness but think about what you did and how you got yourself in to that mess so that next time you can avoid that situation.

I truly believe that we give into sin way too easily. I truly believe that we could fight longer and flee a little further away if we would just try.

The challenge is that next time you are tempted – resist and flee.


Diversity is a good thing. I have noticed in my own life that my wife sees situations differently than I do and therefore I can have a fuller understanding of what is happening. Also, during a portion of my career, I worked closely with a lady that saw most situations entirely differently than I. Also, she was much better at certain tasks than I was. Hopefully, with the two of us working together we were able to better job than either of us singularly.

However, I believe that diversity breaks down in education. Imagine you are teaching a bible class to some Christian friends. Everything goes smoothly, everybody is on the same page, and everybody nods in agreement. Now imagine you are teaching a diverse class. Now not everybody nods in agreement. You have to stop and explain everything and you are not sure your explanations are accepted. What is the result? Instead of the students learning, you learn. You learn more about what you know and what you don't know. And yet you don't feel good about the situation for the goal was for the students to learn.

God believes in diversity. God gives different gifts to different people for different uses. In the church, hopefully, that diversity can be molded together to make the church better and do the work of God better.

Where do you fit in? Do you know your strengths and weaknesses? Are you using those strengths to further the kingdom of God?

Playing Church

I know someone who is “playing at church.” I am not talking about kids who sit not so quietly playing with a toy during the service. I am talking about adults who go through all the right motions, say all the right things but there is no substance in there relationship to God. They are toying with God but He won't toy with them. For you see, God is a jealous God and He wants your all.

Why do you attend church? Some people attend to see and been seen for them it is a social club. Some people attend to network with certain people because they need help with a pet project. Some people attend only during the political campaign time to get name recognition. Some attend to increase the contacts of their business. Some attend because it is too cold to go fishing or play golf, or hunting season is over. Some people have pretty selfish reasons to play at church.

Well there must be some good reasons for attending church. Do you go to church to meet God? That is what started me going to church. Things were happening in my life that I didn't understand. Was there some force or power controlling the things that were happening to me and around me? My search for the answer to that question led me to God. I found that the creator of the universe just didn't “wind it up” like a watch and let it go but was and is actively working in the world to accomplish his purposes.

So, now that I've met God, why do I still go to church? The answer is simple. To know God better and to help others know God better.

Why do I write this blog? To get you, my reader, to be challenged to know God better.

Are you just playing church?

Attention Span

How long is your attention span?

Can you sit through a 90 minute plus movie without drifting off?

Is it long enough to sit through a complete sermon?

How about a short sermon? Are we starting to get closer to the truth?

How long is a segment on a situation comedy before the next commercial? I'd guess it is six to eight minutes. Can they keep your attention that long? Of course a lot depends on how well it is written and how well it is performed.

In my day, Henny Youngman was the master of the “one liner,” a short, simple joke usually delivered one right after the other. “Take my wife – please!” for example. So by keeping the jokes short, and delivering them in rapid fire fashion, Mr Youngman was able to keep your attention for a much longer time.

Today our children are watching "Sesame Street." It features short segments that keep our kids entertained. Are they short because the children's attention span is short or are they reinforcing short attention spans?

So, if you have a short attention span, there is the “Two-Minute Pastor.” A blog that presents biblical truths in just two minutes. Neil Franks, the pastor of the First Baptist Church of Branson, Missouri is the writer. Visit his site and see if you can view his video for all of two minutes.


Jime-e-e. That is how my mother used to call me when I was a little boy. Of course I did didn't want to come in so I never came on the first call and if I was especially having fun it would be the third time.

How many times does God have to call you before you answer?

Do you say: "Is that really God calling?  Surely God doesn't want me!"

Of course you and I both know if we would just spend more time in His Word and in prayer that we wouldn't have so much trouble recognizing God's voice when he calls.

And did you know that he calls often?  And did you know he's calling you to do something you're not comfortable doing?

Stop. Listen.  Is that God calling now?



          (more silence)

                (even more silence)

Silence can be awkward.   A long silence when waiting for a call is stressful.  Some people have to have the radio or television on all the time so there never is any silence.

In the Book of Amos, the Lord speaks through the prophet to tell of a famine. This famine isn't caused by a drought but by a lack of a word from the Lord.

I submit to you today that is where we are now.

There is no word from the Lord in our schools.  There is no word from the Lord in our workplaces. There is no word from the Lord in our government.   There is no word from the Lord in too many of our churches.

It is up to you and me to repent and get right with God so the word of the Lord will return. We need to teach our children and our grandchildren the word of the Lord.


Or the silence will be deafening!