Saturday, May 18, 2013



I have made a New Year’s resolution to loose weight. So, you might ask, “What are you doing here?” This is only one meal among many. I’ll do better at the next one. I’m not going to give up just because I slipped up.

I hate it when people say “I don’t make New Year’s resolutions. I know I won’t keep them.” That is such a defeatist attitude. They have failed before they even begin.

Nazarite Vow

In a previous Sunday School lesson I learned about the Nazerite Vow. I guess you could say that a vow is much more involved than a resolution. At least these people took it more seriously than we take resolutions.

This vow took a lot of resources to enter into. There were sacrifices and offerings to be made. If you slipped up accidentally or even unintentionally, you started over. The same sacrifices and offerings were made which again were of great value. And you started again from day one.

Jesus’ Life

Jesus gave the ultimate sacrifice – a painful death on a cruel cross for my sins and your sins.

Resolutions for God

Can’t you make a resolution for God? It’s not too late – you can start today. Can’t you sacrifice a little of your time – a little of your resources to do something for Him who loves you so?

Resolutions for Family

Can’t you make a resolution for your family? It’s not too late – you can start today. Maybe it could be to be a better dad, a better grandfather, or a better husband. Maybe it could be a simple overnight trip that got the family away from everything including the cell phones and video games.

Resolutions for Church

Can’t you make a resolution for your church. It’s not too late – you can start today. Maybe to increase your attendance, your giving, or your responsibilities.

It’s not too late – you can start today.

Thank you.

The Cross

When I look at the cross, I see two beams, one vertical and one horizontal. I notice that the vertical beam is longer than the other. I notice that if I don't have the horizontal beam then I just have a post. If I don't have the vertical beam then I have a beam laying on the ground for the vertical beam supports the horizontal beam.

To me the vertical beam is symbolic of my relationship with God. It being longer indicates that it is more important. The horizontal beam is symbolic of my relationship with others. If my relationship with God isn't right then my relationship with others won't be right for just as the vertical beam is supporting the horizontal beam so is my relationship with God supporting my relationship with others.

So if I find that my relationship with others isn't right, I know that I need to work on my relationship with God. For if my relationship with God is out of alignment then my vertical post is leaning and the horizontal beam is no longer level. Once I get my relationship with God right then I can work on my relationship with others.

Who are these others? My wife, the mother of my children, my children, my parents which includes on this Mother's Day eve, my Mother. It also includes other relatives and friends and acquaintances and those that I'm witnessing to.

The challenge for me and for you is to keep our relationship to God truly vertical. To keep our relationship with God strong to hold up the relationships with others.

Alzheimer’s Diaease

My wife gave me a medical test from the newspaper the other day. You know, those ones, if you answer a couple of questions wrong way, you have clogged arteries and you’re going to die! Well fortunately this was the Alzheimer test. It was “nip and tuck” there for a while but I don’t have Alzheimer’s disease.

Okay. Now where was I?

The Lord does not have Alzheimer’s and never will. He has a great memory. However, God has selective memory.

If we mess up, if we sin and if we go to God in sincere repentance the He will forgive us. Not only will He forgive us but He will forget that sin. I submit to go that is selective memory.

The challenge for us is to fill God’s mind with good memories.