Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Hemmed in Faith

In my hand, I have a simple men's handkerchief. Look around the perimeter. Do you notice there is a hem sewn all the way around the perimeter?   Most clothes have hems. Why? The hem protects the material.   As a result, the handkerchief is still in good shape even with the horrible treatment it has endured.  It has been stuffed in a pocket, sneezed in and used to wiped a sweaty brow.  The handkerchief still holds strong.

Much like the handkerchief, our prayers need to be hemmed  Not the hem made with needle and thread but hemmed in faith.  The faith that knows that God will hear and answer our prayers.  God cares and wants to act on our petitions.  The perimeter around our prayers is faith.  Like the handkerchief that has survived with the hem, so will our lives hemmed with faith filled pray. 

Our God is able to do way more than we can ask or even think of. So hem your prayers in faith.